15 Mixed-Media Artists on Instagram You Need to Follow Right Now

by Fan girl, Lifestyle, Mixed-Media Art

Sometimes, it can be hard to get inspired. Whether it’s coming up with a subject for your artwork or trying to find the right look, it’s a battle to get inspired sometimes without looking out into the world for some creative inspiration. Here are some of the mixed-media artists that I follow on Instagram. They really help me get my creativity flowing. Everytime I see a new post it gives me a million ideas to get started with. I’d love you to follow my Instagram and get tons of inspiration via the button below, but keep scrolling and you’ll find my favorite artists to follow on Instagram right now.

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See something that you love? Be sure to share the love by following my friends below and liking their artwork. I know they would be thrilled!

1. Jane Davenport @janedavenport

If you’ve been to Michaels recently, you know that she’s got amazing supplies for mixed-media artists. Her Instagram is brimming with flowy hair and brightly colored portraits of women. I am in love with her style and have always wanted to be able to draw faces well. She has mastered the skill and she shares her tips and tricks inside her book, Drawing and Painting Beautiful Faces: A Mixed-Media Portrait Workshop.

2. Toni Burt @toniburtartist

Toni Burt is an artist that I discovered through my work with Stampington & Company. Recently, I found this amazing video of hers for learning to draw faces on YouTube, and I am officially hooked. I actually drew a face that didn’t look completely weird. For someone who uses every trick in the book to avoid freehand drawing in her artwork, this YouTube video was absolutely a game-changer for my artwork. I will have to start sketching more faces from now on!

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3. Donna Downey @donnadowney

Donna Downey does amazing work with oils and acrylics. I especially love her abstract florals. I could stare at them all day!

4. Ivy Newport @ivynewport

Ivy Newport is another artist that I discovered through my work at Stampington & Company. Her sketches are so detailed, but have a light and free sketched quality to them. Also, she has a class available on her website that celebrates Degas… what’s not to love?!

5. Anna Dabrowska, AKA Finnabair @finnabair

Finnabair is famous for her layered and painted collages that are really intricate and detailed. Her feed is a great way to get inspired for your collage pieces.

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6. Danielle Donaldson @danielledonaldson

Danielle Donaldson’s minimalist style is a great way to learn how to reduce your sketches. She can convey a whole picture with just a few lines on the page. Her watercolors and signature color palette add a playfulness that you’ll love exploring (and her whimsical girls are totally adorable!).

7. Dina Wakley @dinawakley

Another big name in the mixed-media industry, Dina Wakley shares a lot of her personal artwork creations on her Instagram feed, which is rare for most artists like her. Instead of cluttering up her feed with advertisements for her products, she is refreshingly down to earth and shares an inside look at what it’s like to be an artist.

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8. Mindy Lacefield @mindy_lacefield

Mindy Lacefield’s somewhat melancholy/thoughful girls are a huge inspiration. She layers colors that I would never think to use and manages to combine a whimsical style with rather morose looking girls. It is this juxtaposition that makes her artwork so interesting. She also frequently shares pictures of her poodles, so this fellow dog mom is totally on board.

9. Juliette Crane @juliettecrane

Juliette Crane captures that bohemian quality perfectly with her propped pictures and glimpses inside her studio.

10. Danita @danitaart

Although I’m not much for art dolls, Danita’s signature style is wonderful. I am still practicing her techniques for adding a little bit of age and grunge to the canvases. Her folksy style will definitely make you want to sketch girls with large eyes.

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11. Marta Turska-Grochocka @jamajka1982

Part of the Finnabair Design Team, Marta Turska-Grochocka creates amazing layered pieces as well, but also manages to bring in large amounts of white space to make her collages appear airy and delicate.

12. Leslie Wood @lesliewoodarts

If you’re looking for off the wall designs, Leslie Wood is definitely the one to follow. She has a very distinct style of drawing and painting, but the subject matter varies so widely that I never know what she is going to paint next — aliens, Star Wars characters, pea pods, and more.

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13. Cat Kerr @catkerr92

Cat Kerr was one of the first artists to connect with me when I started working at Stampington & Company. Follow her and you’ll be instantly part of this tribe of friendly artists. Since meeting her about three years ago through business, she has really blossomed as an artist. She has been published countless times, and has partnered with several yearly art classes to offer her amazing techniques and tutorials to the world. She specializes in polymer clay and mixed-media, so it’s a diverse Instagram feed to follow.

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14. Christine Peloquin @christinepeloquininc

If only we could all draw faces so well! Christine Peloquin constructs faces over patterned backgrounds to creating vivid and beautiful contrasting pieces.

15. Nathalie Kalbach @natkalbach

I had the pleasure of meeting Nathalie Kalbach at the CHA Convention two years ago. She was wonderful and treated me as a fellow artist, even though I was relatively new to the business then. She has a refreshingly vibrant Instagram feed full of primary colors and tribal patterns. Her images always remind me to add more layers!

Bonus! These aren’t necessarily mixed-media artists, but I think their work is amazing and definitely follow-worthy:

Kaylin Warren @kaylinkw

I work with Kaylin Warren at Stampington & Company and had no idea of her artistic talent until I found her Instagram. Her character illustrations are great for mixed-media artists looking to improve their figure drawing. I love to use her illustrations as a reference when making a more mixed-media character because they have great lines, poses, and easy to replicate shapes.

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Prima Marketing Watercolors @prima_watercolor

Prima Marketing’s Instagram feed just for watercolors is also incredibly inspiring. They post a lot of natural scenes and florals. However, I like to look at the backgrounds and how they construct their feed even more than I look at the artwork. The feed is cohesive, and propped to perfection. They really know how to show off their artwork well.